Vintage Story Mods

Adding workbench recipe

Example on github.

To add a new workbench recipe, you need to create a recipe json file in the assets/MODID/recipes/glassworkbench/ folder and write there:

	"code": ...,
	"input": {
		"name": ...,
		"type": ...,
		"code": ...,
		"allowedVariants": ...
	"output": {
		"type": ...,
		"code": ...
	"steps": []

The code must be unique for each recipe.

Wildcards can be used for code, output and steps.

Working on a workbench consists of several steps, each step describes the tool or action used in the process, the time it takes to execute this step, and the shape that will be obtained as a result of this step.

As an example, a step with a blowtorch:

"steps": [
		"shape": { "base": "block/glassshape" },
		"textures": { "glass0": { "base": "game:block/glass/vintage" } },
		"tools": {
			"blowtorch": { "temperature": 1300 }
		"workpieceTransform": {
			"translation": {
				"x": -0.5,
				"y": 0.6251,
				"z": 0.2
			"scale": 0.25
		"useTime": 3